Rules & Regulations
The Owners Association of Hallmark Condominium (“Association”), acting through its Board of Trustees, has adopted the following rules and regulations (“Regulations”). These regulations may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
Wherever in these Regulations reference is made to the “Unit Owners”, such term shall apply to the owner of any unit, to his/her family, tenants (whether or not in residence), servants, employees, agents, visitors, and to any guests, invitees, or licensees of such unit owner, his family or tenants. Wherever in these Regulations reference is made to the “Association”, such reference shall include the Association, the Board of Trustees, and the Managing Office when the Managing Office is acting on behalf of the Association. The Unit Owners shall comply with all the regulations hereinafter set forth governing the building, grounds, parking areas and common areas of the condominium.
Condo Doc
R&R as Recorded
Renting Units
While a Unit Owner receives certain rights and assumes certain obligations upon purchasing a unit, these rights and obligations pass to the lessee when a unit is leased. The obligation to follow the Rules and Regulations of the Association passes to the Tenants. Any penalties/fines due to violation, however, are borne by the Unit Owner. The Unit Owner is held responsible for all action(s) of his/her tenant(s) and guest(s) at all times. Unit Owner (Landlord) may choose to address the issue by deducting cleaning/repair costs, associated fees and fines, from the security deposit for any damage and violation of the Rules and Regulations.
It is the Unit Owner’s responsibility to ensure a tenant is familiar with, and abides by, the Association’s Rules and Regulations and By-Laws. All rental Unit Owners must be ready to provide the Management Office a copy of the rental lease signed by the Tenant. It is the Unit Owner’s responsibility to provide the Management Office with Tenant contact information including name and phone number.
Unit leases must be in writing and require a minimum term of twelve (12) months. It is the Unit Owner’s responsibility to provide the Management Office the following:
- The name and phone numbers of the Lessee(s)
- A copy of the lease, including commencement and termination dates of the lease.
- A signed agreement stating the lessee(s) have received a copy of the Resident Handbook.
Leasers and Lessees are subject to the same rules as Unit Owners. Therefore, leasers should provide that tenant rights to occupy and use the Unit are subject to the Master Deed, By-laws, and the Rules and Regulation. Because Absentee Unit Owners or their Agents often choose to use generic, stock lease agreements, the Association provides an addendum to add onto the rental lease agreement that tenants sign to acknowledge that they understand they must abide by the rules and regulations of the Association. Not signing this agreement does not excuse noncompliance with rules and regulations. A sample Addendum to Lease Agreement is provided for Unit Owner to download.
Pursuant to the Master Deed, any short-term rentals of 30 days or less (Airbnb, HomeAway, VRBO, and other web-based lodging services) are strictly prohibited for renters and non-resident Unit Owners, regardless of whether the Unit Owner or renter remains in the Unit. Units renting for less than 30 days are in violation of the Master Deed and in violation of City of Cambridge Zoning Ordinance. Fines per-day and/or per-occurrence will be imposed on the violator (See Schedule of Fines section). In addition, legal action will be taken for the zoning violation in accordance with City of Cambridge Short-Term Rental (STR) Ordinance (#1397) adopted in April 2018.
Moving In/Out
To help the Association offsetting additional trash removal fee and repair cost possible for any coincidental damages to the common area and the elevator, resulting from moving in/out of the building, the following policy is established in regarding moves:
- All moves must be scheduled in advance – Any resident moving in, out or within of Hallmark Condominium must schedule the move in advance of at least fourteen (14) days with the Management Office. Unit Owners/Residents must notify the Management Office when their tenants are moving in and out of the unit so that the maintenance can prepare and apply protective measures for the moves.
- Moving Company – When a professional moving company is handling the move, Unit Owners/Residents that is moving in or out of the building is responsible to obtain in advance the certificate of insurance from the moving company, with automobile liability coverage as well as general liability coverage and provide it to the Management Office.
- Moving Hours – To minimize disruption to existing residents, all major moves must be conducted within the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. If your move is not done by 5:00 PM, you must reschedule another day. No moves of any kind are allowed on Sundays or designated Federal Holidays.
- Parking – there is no guest/reserve parking within the building premise so please reserve on-street moving van parking permit through City of Cambridge.
- Furniture Size Limits – Please be mindful that the maximum dimensions of any furniture that can be fitted into the elevator or the stairway are 7ft x 3ft x 4ft. Do not attempt forcing any furniture larger than that size into the elevator or the stairway as it will damage electronic, alarm, light fixture etc.
Please keep the following guidelines in mind:
- No Pods or other Storage Units of any kind are allowed in the premise.
- Do not leave the front door propped open unattended at any time during the move process.
- Do not leave items along the hallways and stairwells.
- Do not place moving boxes or other items on the lobby furnishings
- Please take extra care to avoid damaging walls, railings, doors, etc. Residents and Unit Owners can be fined for damage to common areas and assessed the cost of repairs.
- Protection of elevator, doorways, lobby furniture and flooring must be provided particularly when moving very large or heavy items and during wet weather.
- Do not leave any discarded items or trash in the common areas or outside the building. Disposal of moving boxes and other material is the mover’s responsibility and shall not be left in the recycling area. Removal fees may be assessed to the Unit Owner.
- To temporarily keep a door open, place a doorstop or heavy object against the door itself. DO NOT jam anything between the door and its frame. Doing so will damage the hinges and the door, creating yet another security problem, since the door will no longer close properly. Any Unit Owner causing, permitting, or whose renter, family, guests, employees, or contractors, cause or permit a violation of this prohibition will be fined and be held responsible for the repair cost.
- Moves are defined by a change in residence, an applicant (residents, agents, moving companies) transferring household goods within, onto, or from the Condominium premise. A move from one unit to another unit constitutes a move. A move in or out of a furnished or unfurnished apartment constitutes a move. A partially move in or out of a roommate situation also constitutes a move. A Non-refundable Move-In/Move-out Fee will be charged to the Unit Owners for all Moves into and out of the buildings. This fee will help defray the costs associated with moves including cleaning, security, trash disposal fee and administrative function of the elevator preparation. The Move-In/Move-Out fee applies regardless of whether the elevator is used. Additional fee requires if moves require in-person assistance.
Any major damage to the common areas, either by the moving company or the resident, is the responsibility of the Resident and the Unit Owner. Any expenses incurred for damage to the building during the move will be assessed to the Unit Owner of record, in addition to the standard fee.
Building Entrance Key Fobs and Locks
Unit Owner agrees to be responsible for the use or misuse of the key fob(s), if they loan the key fob to agent, manager, another family member or house guest.
- If a key fob is lost, Unit Owner agrees to notify the Management Office promptly so the lost key fob(s) can be deactivated. Lost key fobs can be replaced. Please refer to Schedule of Fees for Deactivation and Replacement of lost/stolen/damage key fob(s).
- Each key fob has unique serial number assigned to the designated Unit Owner; therefore, key fob is non-transferable. Selling or duplication of key fobs is strictly prohibited. There will be fine per violation.
- Subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, Unit owners can purchase additional key fobs. Renters or realtor agents cannot purchase additional key fobs without a signed letter/email from the owner of record.
- For your own and your neighbors’ safety, do not admit a visitor you are not familiar with, regardless of their excuse, never leave doors propped open.
Residents must submit a Pet Application Form to the Management Office prior to moving-in or keeping any animal to the Unit. If permission is granted, residents shall receive a signed copy of the Pets Agreement, acknowledging the terms, rules and regulations.
No animals of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept in any Rental Units without prior written approval of the Board of Trustees, which approval may be revoked at any time if, in the sole discretion of the Board, a nuisance is being created. Unit Owner(s) and/or their realtor/agent must consult the Management Office and the Board of Trustees with regard to the pet policy prior to any rental lease signing. Unit Owners who lease/rent their unit are liable for any violations of the pet rules and regulations by their tenants.
All animals must be licensed by the City of Cambridge (if applicable) and have been inoculated for the prevention of rabies and/or any other diseases by a qualified Veterinarian. All documentations (license and vaccination records) must be submitted for review by the Board of Trustees within (30) days of unit occupancy or pet acquisition.
No animal is permitted to roam the common areas of Hallmark Condominium. Dogs must be leashed and cats must be in pet carriers or on leashes when in the common areas.
Food and water dishes cannot be placed on any area outside the unit.
Pet Owners are responsible for the cleanup of any defecation made by their pet. Any damage caused by animal waste that required cleanup, restore or replace the damaged property in the common area will be at Unit Owner and/or pet owner’s expense.
Any Resident who witnesses a violation of the aforementioned rules must send a written notification to the Board of Trustees and the Management Office detailing the offense. The Resident making the complaint and the violator must be identified in the complaint. The Board of Trustees will not respond to an anonymous complaint.
Upon receipt of a written complaint or email, the Board of Trustees will send a written notice of the violation to the pet owner. Pet owners are entitled to review all written notices regarding their pet. The name of the complainant will not be disclosed.
Residents shall prevent their pets from becoming nuisances to adjoining residents, including but not limited to, noisy pets.
Any violation of the provisions shall entitle the Board of Trustees to exercise all remedies including the right to fine Unit Owners and/or require any pet to be permanently removed from the Condominium upon two weeks’ notice. Please refer to Schedule of Fees and Fines for details.
Unit Owner/Resident who violates the aforementioned rules/regulations is subject to penalties and fines.
Pet approval requirement is detailed in the Pet Application Form. Please contact the Management Office for a copy of the latest version.
In-Unit Renovation/Construction
Unit Owners are encouraged to perform renovations and upgrades to their individual units, subject to the provisions in the Master Deed and Declaration of Trust and the Rules and Regulations, and in compliance with local governing agencies. Unit Owners should carefully screen and select the contractor to work within their unit and ensure that they are properly licensed and insured and agree to and understand the work requirements at the property.
The following are the rules and regulations that govern In-Unit construction and renovation work. These regulations are not intended to restrict the ability to renovate or repair of the units, but to assist Unit Owners and their contractors with the logistics of performing renovation in an occupied multi-family building. Full cooperation and adherence to these rules and regulations will help the anticipated project move forward smoothly, and most importantly, make sure the project abide by the law of both local and state government.
Unit Owners need to complete an in-unit variance/renovation form, available in the Management Office. The form is used to describe in detail the work you plan on doing and the contractor(s) that you will be using. The Management Office will relay the request to the Board of Trustees for approval to proceed or requesting additional information. In major renovations, the Trustees may require the Unit Owner enter into a construction management agreement with the Trustees. Under the City of Cambridge Municipal Ordinance, Unit Owner must have written approval before contractor to be able to apply for building permit. Even if Unit Owners plan on doing the renovations themselves, a detailed variance/renovation form must be submitted for the review of the Board of Trustees. If the Trustees require additional professional assistance to review the application, the cost(s) will be assessed to the Unit Owner.
Contractor(s) must submit all licenses (General Contractor, Home Improvement, Plumber, Electrician, et al) and insurance certificate, naming the Association as additional insureds prior to commencing work within the unit.
Once the written approval from the Board of Trustees is issued, Unit Owner can contact the City of Cambridge Building Inspectional Services and obtain all necessary licenses and permits to do the requested work. A copy of the permit(s) must be given to the Management Office.
- Unit Owners’ contractor cannot under any circumstances drill through or attach anything to common areas, including, but not limited to, the masonry walls, windows, doors, roof, balconies, or other common area materials on the exterior/interior of the building. Unit Owners’ contractor cannot make changes to common area utilities, including, but not limited to, plumbing, electrical, ventilation, HVAC, or other common area utility systems.
- If Unit Owners decide to remove or cut into any interior walls of the unit, the Trustees must approve this request and the request must be made together with a stamped letter from a licensed structural engineer who must certify in writing such procedure to be safe to the structural components, pipes, wire and elements within the walls, as well as the adjoining common areas.
- Unit Owners and their contractor cannot remove or make any changes to the walls that abut another unit.
- Contractor hours are STRICTLY limited to Monday through Friday between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM. No work can be done on designated Federal Holidays.
- Unit Owners and their contractor are responsible for the daily, and more often as needed, cleaning of the common areas and removal of all trash and construction materials from the building. Contractor cannot utilize the Hallmark Condominium dumpster for dumping construction, chemicals, and other hazardous materials. No construction materials are allowed to be stored/left in the common hallways, elevator landings, the garage, or on the street, even on a temporary basis.
- Unit Owners are responsible to make sure that their contractor protects the common hallways, elevators, and other common elements, in addition to maintains the common hallways and other areas to be clean and free of debris, at all times. If the failure to do so results in follow-up clean-up by the building maintenance, Unit Owners/contractor will be charged for the cleaning services plus a fine may be assessed.
- If water shutoff in the building is required, Unit Owners must give the Management Office at least 48 hours in advance notice and the approval of maintenance. Shutoffs are scheduled Monday-Friday between 9:30AM and 4:00PM.
- Failure to abide by or adhere to these rules and regulations could result in a fine of per infraction or per day until the infraction is cured. Please refer to Schedule of Fees and Fines Section for details.
In-Unit Repair and Maintenance
Maintenance to the interior of individual unit is Unit Owner’s responsibility. Self-managed Units or Units managed by Agent(s) will arrange repair/maintenance with their own vendors. However, the Management Office does offer a variety of simple “handyman” services to individual Unit Owners if needed. Please contact the Management Office for their services or utilize the suggested vendor list mentioned in this Handbook for further references.
Emergency Service
Attention: Emergency service is reserved only for incidents that post eminent danger to the residents and the property and not for regular maintenance request. Therefore, please utilize the service sparingly. Contact Management Office for detail with the service fee associated with the emergency call. Any abuse and misuse of such service is subject to fine.
In the events of fire, gas leaks, safety breaches and active crime, call 911 immediately. Should emergencies, including flooding, water leaks, pipe burst, drain/sewage/toilet backup, etc., always notify the Management Office as soon as possible.
Management emergency staff is on-call 24 hours a day. When emergency situation occurs during non-office hours, please call emergency number, state your name, addresses, phone number, and the maintenance emergency to your unit. Maintenance personnel will then be contacted to address the problem. Any major disturbance, such as fire, active crime, or incident necessitating the police/fire department should first be called 911.
- The following policy for emergency response has been developed to provide Unit Owners and Residents a clear sense of the Management Office’s role and responsibilities in dealing with emergencies. Generally speaking, a situation that poses an imminent danger to the health or safety of the residents, building structure, and property as a whole is considered an emergency. Any other incidents shall be considered routine maintenances. Renter(s) should first contact their landlord(s).
- Fire – Call 911
- Gas Leak – Call 911 and gas company (Eversource)
- Electricity issues such as blackouts – call electricity company (Eversource)
- Medical assistance – Call 911 for EMT dispatch
- Trapped in Elevator – Call 911
- Crime such as break-in, domestic violence, larceny, robbery and other active crime – Call 911
- Plumbing issues –such as pipe burst, water leaks, sewage/toilet backup, drain backup, etc. – Call the Management Office. (Service fee apply)
Common Areas and Elements
Effects on Insurance – Nothing shall be done or kept in any unit or in the common areas and facilities which will increase the rate of insurance of the building of the condominium, or contents thereof, applicable for residential use, without the prior written consent of the Board of Trustees.
- Windows and Doors – No objects are allowed to be hung or displayed on the outside of windows or placed on the outside of walls, railings, deck or doors of the condominium building or unit. No sign, awning, canopy, shutter, antenna placed upon the exterior walls, railings or doors, or any part thereof, or exposed on or to any window, without the prior consent of the Trustees.
- Signage – No Unit Owner will be allowed shall to put his name in any entry passageway, vestibule, hall, elevator, or stairway of the condominium building.
- No clothes, sheets, blankets, laundry, flags, rugs or any kind of article shall be hung out of, nor shall any rugs or mops be shaken from, the windows or any unit or the condominium building, or exposed on or in any part of the common areas and facilities.
- Nothing shall be altered in, constructed in, or removed from the common areas and facilities except upon the written consent of the Trustees. Any damage to common areas and the common element(s) will be the fiscal responsibility of the Unit Owner for repair or replacement.
- Holiday Decorations – From December 1st through February 15th only, appropriate holiday decorations and/or non-blinking lights on and around unit front doors are allowed.
- In compliance with the municipal building codes, all sidewalks, entrances, passages, vestibules, stairways, corridors, halls, and all similar Common Elements and other Condominium Association property shall not be obstructed or used for any purpose other than ingress and egress to and from the Condominium Property. The common areas and facilities shall be kept free and clear of rubbish, debris, and other unsightly materials and no garbage cans shall be placed in the hallways or in the staircase landings of the condominium building. There shall be no playing, lounging or parking of baby carriages or playpens, bicycles, wagons, toys, vehicles, benches, or chairs in the hallways, staircase landings or other parts of the common areas and facilities.
- Each Unit Owner shall keep his unit, parking garage space and storage cubicle in a reasonably good state of preservation and cleanliness and therefrom, or from the doors or windows thereof, any dirt or other substance. Each Unit Owner shall be obligated to maintain and keep in good order and repair his own unit in accordance with the provisions herein and in the Master deed.
Smoking Ordinance
Smoking in the Common Areas, including the roof, roof deck, parking garage, carport, lobby, elevator, hallways, stairways and within twenty (20) feet from all building entrances is strictly prohibited. The recent approval of Recreational Marijuana does not change the Rule.
No Owners/Residents shall smoke, or permit smoking by any occupant, agent, tenant, invitee, guest, friend, or family member anywhere in or upon the common areas of the Property. Smoking in violation of this restriction shall constitute a nuisance pursuant to the terms and provisions of its constituent documents of the Association. Violator is subject to fines. Smoking shall include the inhaling, exhaling, breathing, carrying, or possession of any lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, other product containing any amount of tobacco, marijuana or other similar heated or lit product.
Allowing smoke of any kind to migrate from Units into the common areas or other Units which disturbs the quiet enjoyment of other Unit Owners or residents is a nuisance for which the Unit Owner or Resident may be fined or other legal action taken.
Noise Ordinance
- Hallmark Condominium is home to a diverse population of working people, elderly, and young professionals and it is important that all residents help maintain a pleasant and peaceful living environment. To respect your neighbors’ legal right to the “quiet enjoyment of their Units.” Use discretion at all times in playing stereos, radios, TVs, musical instruments, etc. Use utmost consideration between 11 PM and 7 AM. Please recognize that what is enjoyable music to one person can be unwelcome noise to another who is trying to sleep, work or study. It is especially important to be considerate during warmer weather when many residents have their windows open and noise travels to units afar.
- No noxious or offensive activities shall be carried on in any unit, or in the common areas and facilities, either willfully or negligently, which may become an annoyance/nuisance to the other Residents.
- During designated quiet hours, the volume of television sets, radios, audio players, musical instruments, conversations, large gatherings, house cleaning, rough play and the like shall be kept down and shall at all times be kept at a sound level which will not disturb or annoy the occupants of the other units.
- Residents will be responsible for their guests’ behavior as well as their own in the event of a party or gathering. Social activities must not overflow into the hallways. Unit Owners and Residents will be responsible for any disturbance or damage caused by Residents themselves and/or their guests.
- In the event that a resident(s) violates the “quiet hours” policy, the first approach is to speak with the person/unit directly to resolve the problem. If the violating behavior persists, talk to other neighbors and request that they speak to the offending residents as well. In the case of a loud, late-night party, please report to the Cambridge Police non-emergency service. And if the situation posts potentially danger, don’t hesitate to report the problem to the police by dialing 911.
- Barking Dogs – Call the Animal Commission or Cambridge police non-emergency service during their regular business hours to report a habitual problem with a barking dog.
- If the problem cannot be resolved after a prolonged period of time, it is critical the Management Office be notified. Management will respond as appropriate to the complaint by addressing the offending party directly and Residents are encouraged to contact the local police for egregious and consistent violations of the policy. Unit Owners and Residents who violate the “quiet hours” policy shall be subject to fines.
In-Unit Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Massachusetts State Law requires all residents to install smoke detectors in their home regardless of date of construction and each unit must have at least one operating photoelectric smoke and carbon monoxide detector installed within 20 feet from the kitchen or bathroom, in addition to the common area system. Unit smoke detectors are not tied into the building system so they are not monitored and will not notify the Fire Department when they go off. Therefore, please check your detector battery on a yearly basis, make sure it is operational at all time and be vigilant when it goes off. In addition, a smoke and carbon monoxide detector will be required for the unit to pass any Time-Of-Sale inspection.
Estate. Garage amd Tag Sales
- Hallmark Condominium is home to a diverse population of working people, elderly, and young professionals and it is important that all residents help maintain a pleasant and peaceful living environment. To respect your neighbors’ legal right to the “quiet enjoyment of their Units.” Use discretion at all times in playing stereos, radios, TVs, musical instruments, etc. Use utmost consideration between 11 PM and 7 AM. Please recognize that what is enjoyable music to one person can be unwelcome noise to another who is trying to sleep, work or study. It is especially important to be considerate during warmer weather when many residents have their windows open and noise travels to units afar.
Hallmark Condominium is a NO SOLICITATION property. Unit Owners may report any business, entity, or resident that is soliciting at the property to the Management Office or the Board of Trustees.
- Bulletin Board – The bulletin board at the lobby is intended solely for the official postings from the management and the Board of Trustees. Unless it is an emergency appeal, all notices must be approved by the Board before posting. Unauthorized postings, which includes solicitation for any personal, political or commercial purposes, shall be removed and discarded without notice.
- Mailing List – The mailing/emailing list and other contact information of Unit Owners maintained by the Management Office and the Board of Trustees are strictly reserved for the Association related affairs and will not be distributed when the purpose is not related to the Association’s interest. For example, if the Unit Owner wants to solicit their fellow members for monetary purpose, it would be considered to be a nuisance, and the Board will deny them access to any information on the list. Any solicitation will not be accepted in any form of communication (direct mailing, emailing, newsletters, website postings) provided by the Management Office or the Board of Trustees.
Home-Based Businesses
Except for a home office or studio, no business that may violate City of Cambridge Zoning Ordinance and land use regulations is allowed to be conducted within the unit. This includes all industry, business, trade, occupation, or profession of any kind, commercial or religious, education or otherwise designed for profit or nonprofit, that requires State and/or Local registration, licenses and permits for specify zone use.
Related Topics
Prohibited – In-Unit Washer/Dryer
Absence of independent laundry stack(s), main drain(s), and vent stack(s) in the sanitary drainage system of the building, washer and dryer hookups are strictly prohibited within units, in compliance with the Uniform State Plumbing Code 248 CMR 10.15(9)(e)1-4. Violators will be subject to fines.
Related Topics
Laundry Room
Absence of independent laundry stack(s), main drain(s), and vent stack(s) in the sanitary drainage system of the building, washer and dryer hookups are strictly prohibited within units, in compliance with the Uniform State Plumbing Code 248 CMR 10.15(9)(e)1-4. Violators will be subject to fines.
- Do not overload the washing machines and try to use High Efficiency (HE) detergent. This will help ensure cleaner clothes and increase the lifespan of the machines.
- Collect your detergent, bleach, dryer sheets, or any personal belongings in the laundry room after you have finished using the facilities in a timely manner.
- Wiped down washing machine gaskets and dryer lint trays after each use will be appreciated. This will help to reduce the risk of fire and ensure proper drying.
- Be courteous by collecting clothing from the machines in timely fashion. We have very limited number of machines and by leaving clothes in washer/dryer long after the cycle is completed will cause inconvenience for others. Any laundry left unattended for more than 3 days will be clear out without notice.
Related Topics
Roof Deck
Schedule – Roof Deck will be opened for general use from April 15th to the November 15th, 8:00am-10:30pm. Any unauthorized entry before or after the designated period and time will result in loss of privilege to use the facility.
Availability – Use of the Roof Deck is available to all Hallmark Condominium residents. No Residents can make “reservation” for exclusive use without the approval of the Board of Trustees. Since it is a common area, please use your discretion in having parties. Noise travels far and easily. We ask that your gatherings end by 10:30 pm, except on the 4th of July, gathering is permitted to last until 12:00 am. After-hours use and excessive noise on the deck are especially bothersome to all residents and our neighbors. Access to the Roof Deck is therefore strictly prohibited between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am. Violations shall be fined and privilege to use the Roof Deck shall be revoked without notice.
Limitations – Use of the Roof Deck is limited to a total of 25 persons.
- Residents are responsible for the activities of their guests using the Roof Deck.
- Any activities must be held directly by the resident; resident may not license or assign to any other person the right to use the Roof Deck.
- No activities held on the Roof Deck may be used in order to generate income or profit for the resident. Any use is strictly limited to events of personal nature.
- Please clean up after yourself and your guests. Dispose of all trash. Any abandoned properties will be tossed out in the discretion of the Manager.
- Open fires are not allowed under any circumstance. Do not use charcoal or gas grills on the deck. Debris and grease will damage the roof surface and cause fire.
- Smoking is prohibited on the Roof Deck. Violations shall be fined and privilege to use shall be revoked.
- No fireworks, pyrotechnic, or similar entertainment of any sort will be permitted.
- Do not set up any kind of breakable or large/heavy furniture on the deck. No glass furniture, canopy, hammock, signage, decoration, frame and any kind of add-on structure, are allowed to be used.
- You must not leave the deck designated area. Walking on the roof causes damages to the membrane and it is dangerous. No object should be placed outside of the deck and absolutely nothing should be thrown from the roof.
- No children/teens under sixteen (16) years of age shall be permitted without supervision of an adult.
- Residents may bring their own chairs and tables to use during opening hours. However, do not leave any furniture or other belongings behind after use. Any personal properties left on Roof Deck after hours will be discarded without notice.
- Door must be closed and entrance must remain unobstructed at all times.
Residents shall indemnify and hold the Board of Trustees and the Management Office harmless from and against any cost, damage, loss, injury, claim, judgement, liability or incurred by or claimed against the Board of Trustees and the Management Office, directly or indirectly, caused by any negligent, intentional or unintentional, act of the Tenant’s use of the Roof Deck.
General Liability
If any key(s) are entrusted by a Unit Owner/Resident or by any member of his family or by his agent, servant, employee, licensee or visitor to any employee of the Board of Trustees whether for such Unit or automobile, or other item of personal property, the acceptance of the key(s) shall be at the sole risk of such Unit Owner/Resident. The Board of Trustees and the Management Office shall not be liable for injury, loss or damage of any nature whatsoever directly or indirectly resulting therefrom or connected therewith.
All personal property of the Unit Owners and Residents in the Units, storage bins, parking spaces and all common areas in the premise of the Condominium shall be kept there at the sole risk and responsibility of the respective Unit Owners and Residents. Neither the Board of Trustees, nor their respective successors or assigns shall bear any responsibility thereof.
Each Unit Owner assumes responsibility for his/her own safety, actions, and conduct, and that of his/her family, guests, servants, employees, licensees and lessees.
Amendments, Delegation of Powers & Enforcement
Any consent, permission or approval given by the Trustees under these Rules and Regulations may be added to, amended, or repealed at any time by the Trustees in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration of Trust, if applicable, and otherwise in their absolute discretion. These Rules and Regulations may be amended from time to time as provided in the Trust.
The Trustees shall have the authority and duty to enforce these Rules and Regulations, but, in their discretion, may delegate such enforcement authority and duties under these Rules and Regulations to the Management Office, or whomever they deem desirable.
The Trustees are authorized, in their sole discretion, to impose monetary fines or penalties for violation of these Rules and Regulations. Further, the Trustees have the right to relax or withhold enforcement of any rule or regulation for any or all residents, or which, under the circumstance, would be unfair or impractical to enforce.

Violation of Rules
1 – Report of Violation
Any Resident who observes a violation of the By-Laws or Rules and Regulations has the right to report that violation to the Board of Trustees for corrective action.
Notification to the Trustees can be accomplished several ways:
- Send a detailed letter/email, or a completed Complaint Form, to the Managing Office.
- Phone the Managing Office and speak with the Manager or leave a detailed message.
- Contact a member of the Board directly if the Managing Office has not serviced.
When reporting a violation please include the following:
- The specific details of the violation that occurred including the date and time.
- The Unit in violation and preferably the specific Owner, Tenant or Guest.
- Your name and Unit number. Anonymous reports will not be addressed.
2 – Warnings and Fines
- Residents are subject to fine when they violate the Condominium Documents, By-Laws or the Rules and Regulations. A warning letter may be sent to the Unit Owner(s)/Resident(s) for the first occurrence of each violation that is reported, but is not required. Thereafter, any repeated violation is subject to a fine on a per-occurrence or per-day basis. Unit Owners may be held responsible and/or fined for the actions and compliance of their tenants, family and guests.
3 – Right to Hearing
Any Resident who wishes to dispute a fee or fine has the right to review by the Board. All requests for review should be made in writing to the Managing Office by the Resident(s) promptly after said fee or fine has been assessed. The Managing Office will contact the Owners/Residents and advise them when the Board will review. Typically, review will be conducted during the next scheduled Board meeting.